Wheelie Bins
These come in a range of sizes and are suitable for a variety of wastes. For security and safety reasons they have lockable lids and wheels.
Bulk Waste
A variety of skips and containers for removing and recycling large volumes of wastes are available. Ideal for bulk recycling of segregated waste from building, refurbishment and demolition sites.
Front loaded containers
Ideal for lightweight wastes where storage is at a premium. These are easy to load and emptied on site.
Rear loaded containers
These can be accessed simply by either a sloping front or back facing door, and are emptied on site. There are a range of sizes available and they are ideal for lightweight industrial waste from, Offices, Factories and warehouses.
Static compaction
A static compactor is an efficient, and environmentally sound, solution for large quantities of low density, high volume waste or recyclate. Material is compacted at a ratio of more than 4:1 in to a container that is taken away for recycling or disposal.
The WEEE (Waste electric and electronics) box is a simple collection, treatment and recycling solution for all your small electrical items and will ensure that you comply with the WEEE legislation. For large volumes of electrical waste i.e. computers, servers, fridges etc we would organise a specific site visit to collect.